Android or Iphone
Jailbreak or Root (Root if you have Android and if you Jailbreak Iphone / Ipad / Ipod)
server Ultrapowa
If you want to test it on your PC will serve you with Bluestacks Root.
Server Installation Ultrapowa
UCS download from offcial website of UltraPowa and extract the contents of the archive on your desktop
Start the program ucs.exe
procedure Ios
- Close Clash of Clans
- Start UltraPowa server (in case you had not already)
- Open iFile (or a similar program)
- go on ETC / HOSTS and edit the file.
- Add to the bottom of the file content host "IP LOCAL YOUR PC"
- Hello and Close
- Start quietly Clash of Clans
Guide to Android / Bluestacks
- Download the apk game specially modified from here: CloudZilla
- Start UltraPowa server (in case you had not already)
- Download "HOST EDITOR" on Google Play (is free).
- add a new entry and put on "IP Address" the ip of your computer "and" hostname "
- Save everything and close
- Start Clash of Clans
Find the IP address of your computer
- Open cmd (we just type cmd in the search files and programs in Windows)
- type IpConfig
- Your IP will be displayed at the side marked "IPV4 Address
How to change the gems, money, troops and more
Navigate to the folder on your server computer UltraPowa
You will find a file called "ucsconfig"; open it using notepad
Inside, you can change all the values with ease and then you can just save the file and close and reopen the server to make the change effective.
Procedure using computer
Just follow the steps above for both iPhone / Android using as IP address: (if not working I invite you to visit the official forum UltraPowa in which there are more than 200 servers!) And as hostname:
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