Some common Bluestacks Problems while installing clash of clans:
- Firstly, try to click on the bottom center of the Bluestacks window, where the home button is present.
- Try to remove your Bluestacks fully with Your Uninstaller then install it again.
- If you are using Nvidia video card:
- Open Nvidia Graphics Card Settings
- Go toManage 3D Settings -> Program Settings -> Here Click on Add button -> Add Bluestacks Frontend.
- Turn off the Threaded Optimization line.
- At the tray icon, quit your Bluestacks.
- Open it again. It should run smoothly now!
- If you are using other video cards, try to update your video card’s driver to the latest version.
- Cleanup all these folders:
- C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks
- C:\Program Files\BlueStacks
- C:\Users\\AppData\Local\BlueStacks
- Download this tool for removing all old registry:
- Re-install the program again!
Another stupid common problems of Bluestacks! Follow these steps to solve this one:
Method 1:
- Open Bluestacks.
- Go to Settings ~> Applications ~> Manage Applications ~> Select All.
- Find and tap on Google Play Store ~> Force Stop.
- Clear Data ~> OK.
- Back, find, force stop and clear data of Google Service Framework.
- Reboot your device and it should be ok now!
If the first method does not work for you, please try this one:
- Right Click on the Bluestacks in the system tray (right bottom).
- Choose Report Problem.
- Select RPC of the list problems.
- It will ask you to auto fix this problem, just click OK.
- Done. It should works fine now.
Normally, this problem is because of your internet connection. Follow these steps to fix it:
- Firstly, try to remove Bluestacks in your computer fully with Your Uninstaller.
- Download the Offline Installer at here.
- It should works now.
The easiest way to fix this problem is:
- Search and download the apk file of Clash of Clans on Google.
- Open it with Bluestacks.
- It should works fine now.
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